Monday, July 13, 2009

Rest and Up Hill Runnin'

"Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe."

My training friend...boss (only at work - haha)...motivation and occassional "pain in my ass" on the run today :-)
Yesterday was crazy, haven't slept that much in a long time. I guess Saturday's ride/effort was much more "draining" than I thought. I basically slept from around 7PM on Saturday until about 7:45AM on Sunday, got up in bed and watched the tour until about 8:45 and fell back asleep until 11:45AM. I didn't leave the house at all on Sunday, much less left my bed.

Awoke this AM bright and early feeling well rested and hit the pool at 5AM for an early start to get in an extra K or so before the workout started. Got in almost 4500m before I had to dart off to the J-O-B. My swimming is coming around finally, still not quite as fit in the water as I have been, but close. I am really addicted to this "band only" swimming. It is really hard and difficult to maintain a good position in the water. It really exacerrbates any inadequicies that you have in your stroke.

Jeff and I have 2 main run workouts during the week. Our primary run focus is our long run on Wednesdays. We have begun to poker pace on the run for more specificity (If you haven't read the link, it is well worth it). Our second main run comes on Mondays. To specifically train for ö till ö, Jeff had decided we need to do some power running with some down hill portion.

So todays run we had 14 in the "books." We are very lucky here in Boise to have the endless trail system that we have. We took off and the plan was up 7 and back down 7. As always, photos never do beautiful views justice (Or I should say photos I take) The town that is far off in the picture is Boise. We are 7 miles from the city at about 5300 feet in elevation in the photo.

The Facts
Total Climbing: 2,590 Feet
Total Miles: 14.5
Total Time: 2:16:00
Avg HR Ascending: 142bpm
Avg HR Descending: 146bpm

The run down hill "zapped" me. After about 3 miles , I was ready to be done. As you know, eccentric leg contractions for that long when you haven't trained them causes the usual added consequence of muscle soreness and pain from micro tears of muscle tissues from the "loading."

Will take things on the easier side tomorrow to prep for my long run on Wednesday. Will work on my poker pacing a bit.

Hittin' the sack early tonight,

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